Compendium of remote therapy guidelines and resources for therapists

There is a lot of information available online regarding the switch to remote therapy, which may be quite overwhelming. In this blog post we have aimed to bring together some of the most relevant and useful resources and guidelines available, all in one place.

Transitioning to Online Therapy during COVID-19 Crisis


An expert in online and cross-cultural therapy, Anastasia Piatakhina Giré shares her tips for transitioning to online therapy now that more and more people are finding themselves sheltering in place.

Advancing Telecommunication Technology and its Impact on Psychotherapy in Private Practice

Vincent et al, 2017, British Journal of Psychotherapy.

Good practice guidelines for working online


The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy have produced a very comprehensive and detailed set of guidelines for working online in their Working Online Factsheet GPiA 047.

Their guidelines cover a full range of subjects, including technological competence, insurance, security and use of social media.

An example from the guidelines:

“6. Working with vulnerable clients and arrangements for emergencies

When working with clients who are likely to be vulnerable because of their psychological state or social isolation, it is good practice to provide an assessment of their suitability for the services being provided that includes their suitability for working online.

Careful consideration ought to be given to how the practitioner will respond to clients who become so distressed or disturbed that they require additional services or support from healthcare providers or their social network. Good practice requires that practitioners are clear from the outset of working with clients about the boundaries between what is provided by their service directly, how any additional support will be sought in emergency situations by the practitioner, and what depends on clients acting on their own initiative. Online resources or guidance may be provided to assist clients in finding appropriate emergency services, especially where clients are communicating from a distance or it is inappropriate or impractical for the practitioner to seek additional services on behalf of their clients.

Online therapy and supervision

The Tavistock and Portman library

The Tavistock and Portman Library have put together a great range of resources covering online therapy and supervision. These include blog posts, such as “Doing Remote Systemic Psychotherapy during COVID-19: some practice ideas“, useful journal articles, podcasts and ebooks.

The Tavistock and Portman Library resource page

Guidelines for remote working with couples and families

Association for Family Therapy & Systemic Practice

Download here

Guidence for moving to remote working with existing child clients during Covid-19 crisis


Download PDF

Guidance for working with adult clients in isolation


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Coronavirus primer: how to do therapy online

Open University and BACP

This free online continuing professional development (CPD) course has been jointly developed by The Open University and the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) as a response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The course is aimed at qualified counsellors and psychotherapists who would like a primer on working online at a time when face-to-face therapy is neither possible nor safe.

The Open University’s and BACP’s primer course on online therapy

Legal guidelines and security considerations

From the BACP website

“To ensure that you can provide online therapy safely and legally, you must:

Other points to consider:

Of course, when carrying out remote therapy, via any medium, it is important to ensure that you are still following the relevant ethical guidelines and codes of practice for your practise.

The bpf expects members to follow our ethical guidelines in their own practise, whether remote on face-to-face, and we are here to help you continue to do this in the new circumstances in which we find ourselves. If you need assistance or guidance please email us at or

UKCP Code of ethics

Download here

BCP Code of ethics

Download here

ACP Code of ethics

Download here