Diversity Statement
Diversity Statement bpf
At the bpf, we are a family of different psychotherapeutic specialities. We include child and adult trainings from both psychoanalytic and Jungian theoretical perspectives. We celebrate this breadth but recognise that we need to take steps to become a more diverse, inclusive and accessible organisation that better reflects the various communities we serve and represent.
Psychotherapeutic work explores the relationship between conscious and unconscious experience and allows us to examine the individual, familial and social processes that underpin our beliefs, feelings and experiences. We are aware of the need continually to challenge and reassess our biases, assumptions and prejudices and maintain a willingness to listen to others who challenge us. We are careful to acknowlege the realities, and trauma, caused by oppression and discrimination.
We welcome and value diversity in all its forms including, but not limited to: age, disability (including specific learning needs), ethnicity, gender identity, neurodiversity, political affiliations, race, relationship status, religious beliefs, sex, sexual preference or orientation/sexualities, social class or socio-economic status.
The bpf strives to ensure equity, non-discrimination and inclusivity and we aim to review our practises regularly, and work with members to carry responsibility for this. We acknowledge that human beliefs and feelings are difficult to change. We know we will not always get things right, but we are committed to trying to improve. We welcome your feedback and want to include your reflections, concerns and experiences to help us develop as an organisation. We aim to develop fair processes and procedures to address complaints when they arise, and to create a culture where it is safe to speak about personal and collective experiences.
We warmly welcome you to the bpf.
Statement of apology from the bpf
To communities of diversity of sexual orientation and gender identity:
The bpf acknowledges that historically, through a lack of understanding, the profession has caused hurt and made people feel that they were not welcome to seek out our psychotherapeutic support in times of need, either for personal development or for training professionally as psychotherapists.
We at the bpf apologise to communities of diversity of sexual orientation, gender identity and expression of human desires. We are sorry for the abuse of power and damage that the profession has inflicted.
The psychotherapeutic relationship is supposed to be a place of safety and self-exploration and, in the past, often denied people this opportunity. Tragically, the profession reflected societal prejudice and in so doing misused the influence that it had.
At the birth of psychoanalysis, Freud affirmed and observed the diversity of sexualities from childhood to adulthood. Jung explicitly made contrasexuality a cornerstone of his thinking, affirming each human psyche as dual-gendered. We lost sight of this open stance and became moralistic and shy about talking about sexuality and gender fluidity. We do not want antiquated ways of thinking to get in the way of what we offer our patients and trainees. We want to work to regain our openness of thinking.
This is ongoing work for our bpf psychotherapeutic community.