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Jungian Analytic Psychotherapy Training with BJAA

The BJAA (British Jungian Analytic Association) offers a long established and highly respected Jungian analytic professional training, which leads to a qualification for in-depth, intensive work with adults. The training is accredited by the British Psychoanalytic Council. Qualification leads to membership of the British Psychotherapy Foundation/BJAA, and of the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP), and to registration with the British Psychoanalytic Council (BPC) as a Jungian Analyst.

The BJAA training offer a Jungian developmental model encompassing a rich and diverse range of thinking that includes the study of Jung and post-Jungian ideas and the integration of these with psychoanalytic theories and ideas from other disciplines. The approach encourages questioning and critical evaluation of theory from historical, philosophical, social and political perspectives. The strong clinical emphasis is backed up by the requirement for an infant observation.

With this foundation, Jungian analysts are well equipped to develop a private practice or to apply the model to work in the NHS, higher education and the third sector.  

Theory – The training in Jungian analysis, based on the work of Jung, and the post-Jungians and its integration with psychoanalytic ideas, provides a rich and challenging theoretical and clinical programme in which to develop the skills necessary to become a Jungian analyst.

Personal analysis – In order to be able to work in depth with the emotional life of individuals seeking analysis, it is essential that trainees undergo their own depth analysis. Engaging with the unconscious enables trainees to develop the capacity to better understand and reflect on their own states of mind, their shadow aspects, the tension of opposites within and to deepen their own personal development. This depth analysis lies at the heart of the training. It necessarily requires a commitment of time and a readiness for deep thoughtfulness.

Seeing training patients – Training in Jungian analysis involves seeing patients three times a week, usually on the couch. This frequency, together with the analytic setting, allows for a therapeutic relationship of substance and complexity to develop, in which both analyst and patient are deeply participating.

Seminars take place on Saturdays, and Tuesday evenings, with 3 additional Saturday mornings per year for special interest workshops. The length of training varies: four years would be the minimum.

The Jungian Analytic Training requires:

  • Personal analysis with a BJAA approved Training Analyst, at a frequency of at least three times a week until qualified.
  • Attending a four-year programme of theoretical seminars covering Jungian, post-Jungian, psychoanalytic and contemporary analytic theory delivered on 9 Saturdays per year. These are taken alongside trainees from the Jungian analytic training.
  • ​Completing a two-year infant observation course that focuses on the development of the emerging self from birth until the child’s second birthday (unless this has already been completed beforehand and meets BJAA requirements).
  • Attending fortnightly clinical seminars led by a senior BJAA member.
  • Attending regular reflective group meetings with trainees from both adult training routes.
  • Attending Saturday morning workshops on special interest topics open to trainees from other Jungian analytic trainings.
  • Jungian analytic work with two individuals seen 3 x weekly until qualification, for which weekly supervision is a requirement.

A New Approach to Theory

In 2022/3 the British Jungian Analytical Association is launching a new approach to teaching theory that encourages the understanding and constructive critique of the theory and practice of analytical psychology and psychoanalysis as first developed in the early part of the twentieth century, and theory as it continues to evolve and inform contemporary clinical practice. This includes acknowledging and engaging with the colonial, heteronormative and gender biased roots of traditional psychoanalytic and Jungian analytic thinking.

This new approach is consistent with the well established developmental Jungian approach in the BJAA training that puts Jung’s ideas at the heart of theoretical teaching while also drawing on psychoanalytic traditions to inform theory and practice.

The monthly theory seminars (9 Saturdays per year) have been designed so that trainees can engage with core and primary texts as well as current debates and the application of theory to clinical practice. The theory seminars are part of the core requirements for trainees on the new once weekly Jungian Psychotherapy training and are open to Jungian analytic trainees who wish to continue attending theory seminars while completing their fifth and subsequent years. They are also open to trainees on the Jungian pathway of the BPF Child and Adolescent training.

The course opens with introductory seminars giving the historical, philosophical, political and social context to the emergence of psychoanalysis and analytical psychology, as well as a brief introduction to Jung’s model of the psyche. In subsequent seminars over the course of four years theory covers:

What is ‘psyche’ in analytic thought: being a body and having a mind

What is the thing we call “psyche” in psychoanalysis?
– History of the mind/history of the unconscious
– intra-psychic perspectives – Freud, Klein, Jung
– inter-relational perspectives – Jung, Bion, Winnicott, attachment, relational theorists
– social constructionist perspectives
– psyche as both immanent and transcendent (collective unconscious / archetypes)
Being a body and having a body
– The bodily mind and the body-mind problem
– Neurobiology
– Emergent theories of the mind

What am I saying when I say ‘I am’: the creative self

What am I saying, when I say “I am”?
– Symbolic capacity
– Freud, Klein, Bion, Colman
– Not-knowing, being, and being held in mind – Bion/container contained, Winnicott / true and false self, going on being / transitional phenomena / holding environment
The creative self
– The prospective nature of the psyche / the creative unconscious and the question of meaning (including Freud’s perspective)
– Individuation
– Fantasy, symbol, imagination
– Transcendent function & the idea of the third
– Beyond good and evil (including oppositions, shadow integration)
– Individuation and typology
– Alchemical metaphor + the coniunctio
– Synchronicity/numinosity/Psychoid / Unconscious infinite sets
– Ego and Self – Jung, Fordham, Neumann, Hillman
– Defences

The mind that ails, the work that heals

The mind that ails
– depression
– anxiety  – bearing uncertainty, transition, change, ego-death states
– archetypal perspectives
The work that heals
– Jung as a clinician
– analytic attitude
– transference/counter-transference
– analytic technique
– analytic aims/ analytic task
– defences
– body-psyche in conflict
– trauma
– core complex
– trans-generational influences
– borderline states
– narcissism
– psychosis
– addictions
– suicidal states

Illness as a metaphor: the ‘I’ in the world

Illness as a metaphor
– The idea of health in afflicted societies
– Illness, shame and victimhood
– Cultural unconscious/cultural complex
The “I” in the world
– Society and the individual (including groups)
– Ethical implications of individuation (including ethical obligations to society)
– Class
– Race
– Gender
– Sexuality
– Domination, power, perversion
– Does psychoanalysis have a place outside the West
– Otherness and relations of power

personal analysis

Personal analysis with a BJAA approved Training Analyst is required for the duration of the training, at a frequency of at least three times a week until qualified, and for a minimum of one year before commencing the training.

training tutor

Each trainee is assigned a Training Tutor whose role is to support him/her throughout the training.

reflective group meetings

Trainees from both routes of the BJAA adult trainings meet together regularly to reflect upon their experience of the training. These meetings are facilitated by a Group Analyst.

assessment during training

Each trainee’s development is supported and assessed by the Training and Post-Graduate Committee, as well as the trainees themselves. The membership competencies serve as guidelines for determining the qualities and capabilities expected in order to qualify.

The following written work is required. Writing workshops and seminars are available to support trainees where helpful

  • Essay assignment – At the end of year one trainees complete a 2,500 word essay assignment where they demonstrate their ability to integrate theoretical concepts with clinical application. Satisfactory completion of this assignment is one of the training elements used to assess readiness to embark on the clinical component of the training.
  • Interim Infant Observation report – When the baby is almost one year old the trainee writes a 2,500 word Interim report on their experience of the baby and the observation. Satisfactory completion of this assignment is one of the training elements used to assess readiness to embark on the clinical component of the training.
  • Final Infant Observation paper – At the end of the observation a final 7,000 word paper is completed
  • Six month clinical reports – Trainees complete 2,000 word six monthly reports until they have fulfilled the requirements for the clinical component of the training and they are ready to write the final paper
  • Final clinical paper – Once trainees have fulfilled all of the above requirements they complete a final 6/7,000 word clinical paper based on the work with one of their Training Patients. The paper should demonstrate a high level of integration of theory with clinical work, and report on the work of one training case The paper is considered by two readers/assessors who meet with the trainee to discuss it, conduct a viva, and who subsequently make a recommendation regarding qualification to the BJAA Training Committee.

qualification and membership

qualification and membership

On qualification, a newly qualified member will:

  • become a member of the British Jungian Analytic Association of the bpf
  • be registered as a Jungian Analyst with the British Psychoanalytic Council (BPC)
  • become a member of the International Association of Analytical Psychologists (IAAP)
  • have access to post-graduate seminars, scientific meetings and courses run by the bpf
  • have the opportunity to advance to senior membership and training analyst/supervisor status of the BJAA

All qualified members are expected to continue with a programme of continuing professional development (CPD) in accordance with BPC guidelines.

Training as a Jungian analyst is a stimulating and rewarding experience. Being ready to apply is an individual process with which we can offer help and advice once you have read the rest of the information on the website. The bpf usually offers an Open Day in March each year that can help with preparing and understanding what training entails.

Advice and support is available for potential applicants who would like to consider how to prepare to meet the following requirements:

  1. Academic Qualification: First degree level (in any subject) or equivalent.
  2. Relevant Work Experience: Experience of work in a setting where adult individuals present for help with emotional of mental health difficulties is an advantage but we welcome applications from those with a variety of backgrounds. Those with no prior experience in such settings will need to gain experience of at least a year in working one to one with adults on emotional difficulties either professionally or on a volunteer basis before applying. The Foundation Course is designed to help with gaining this experience.
  3. Psychiatric Placement: Engagement with the experiences of psychiatric patients and the treatments offered in UK psychiatric services is an essential part of the training. For applicants who do not have prior psychiatric experience a six-month placement will need to be undertaken in the first year of training.
  4. Personal Analysis: You will need to have been in analysis 3 times weekly with a BJAA approved training analyst for at least one year before commencing the training. Personal analysis continues until qualification.
  5. Aptitude: You will need to show a potential to think and work analytically as outlined in this Entry Level Competencies guide
  6. Finance: You will need to have a way of financing your training. The section on cost outlines what you can expect.
  7. Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) Enhanced Check (previously known as CRB): This is essential for working with vulnerable people

A fee of £170 is payable on making an application for the training.

Currently the annual fee for the BJAA training is £3,850 p.a. for the first four years of training. In the event that the clinical component has not been completed in this time the fees are reduced to £1,809 p.a. until completion.

The trainee’s fees for their own personal analysis are negotiated with the training analyst on an individual basis. Similarly, when beginning to see training patients the cost of supervision will be discussed with each training supervisor. Trainees will need to provide an appropriate setting to see training patients which may involve room rental costs.

The bpfruns Infant Observations seminars that cost £1,500 p.a, plus £170 to cover 2 interviews. A trainee who has already been accepted on a BJAA training would require one interview. A trainee can also elect to complete the Infant Observation component of the course with an external course provider, the fee for which would be negotiated separately.

Trainee membership of the bpf is currently £135 per annum. This includes a subscription to PepWEB and eligibility to attend all bpf scientific events, including the monthly events put on by the Jung Forum.

Jungian Terms Explained – Helen Morgan and Christopher McKenna’s clear glossary of some Jungian terms

Jung’s Influences – Ann Casement’s article explores the philosophical, religious and scientific influences in Jung’s psychology

Pre-course reading list

The building has limited access. Please contact the Training Co-ordinator to discuss your needs.

We welcome enquiries from anyone interested in training, whatever their background, and whatever stage of interest.

We recommend a conversation with the Training Advisor and Selection Coordinator in the first instance.

When you are ready to apply, please submit the BJAA application form for us to receive by the closing date— 21st April of each year. If you meet the entry requirements you will be invited to come to two separate one-to-one interviews with senior BJAA analysts, after which the BJAA Selection Committee will make a decision.

The bpf is committed to diversity and inclusivity in all the work we deliver. We are fully dedicated to promoting, maintaining and supporting equality of opportunity in all aspects of our organisation and, as such, the bpf welcomes applications from all sections of society.