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Investors in Diversity

The bpf is currently working with the National Centre for Diversity (NCD) towards attaining the ‘Investors in Diversity’ award. The ‘Investors in Diversity’ award is a nationally recognized diversity accreditation that recognizes excellence in this area.

Specifically, the bpf is working towards embedding the FREDIE principles (Fairness, Respect, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement) into all areas of our business which will transform how we work with our employees, members, trainees, customers and communities.

We have committed to achieving the following 10 standards:

  1. The bpf is effective in advancing the FREDIE principles across the organisation.
  2. The bpf has a culture that makes people of any background feel safe, valued, and included.
  3. The bpf has made the FREDIE principles core to its strategy and business plan.
  4. The bpf values good mental health and wellbeing for all staff.
  5. The bpf has effective operational and line management systems, aligned with FREDIE principles.
  6. The bpf can demonstrate that our selection & recruitment practices are fair and seek to address underrepresentation of people with different protected characteristics in our workforce at all levels.
  7. The bpf has fair retention, reward and progression processes, and where appropriate, is working towards eliminating any unfair pay gaps.
  8. The bpf is using our performance management systems to improve inclusion, engagement and productivity.
  9. The bpf has fair and inclusive procurement practices.
  10. The bpf communicates FREDIE principles effectively to bpf staff, members, trainees and stakeholders.

To achieve these 10 standards, bpf will:

  1. Implement an awareness raising campaign reinforcing FREDIE and how it impacts on all roles/people within the organisation.
  2. Review regularly how FREDIE practices and initiatives are communicated and embedded into the day-to-day running of the organisation.
  3. Establish a reporting system to ensure there is a robust method of capturing and acting on instances of negative behaviour.
  4. Ensure the golden thread of equality, diversity and inclusion is visible throughout the staff handbook.
  5. Promote bpf policies to staff and their responsibilities in relation to these policies.
  6. Introduce mandatory mental health awareness training for all and implement a Mental Health and Wellbeing policy.
  7. Monitor data from the Employee Assistance Programme to highlight any areas where further staff support and guidance may be needed.
  8. Review training is in place for managers/supervisors to set the standards of behaviours for the organisation.
  9. Review the 1:1 staff supervision process and ensure that supervisions are taking place consistency across the organisation.
  10. Monitor recruitment target markets and methods to develop a more diverse workforce.
  11. Provide support for people to develop themselves via a people development strategy.
  12. Develop a procurement policy that incorporates FREDIE and ensure checks are in place on suppliers to ensure they are ethical (e.g., they have modern day slavery statements, EDI Policy, etc).
  13. Implement a robust exit process and make use of with the feedback that is captured.
  14. Develop separate communications strategies around FREDIE for each strand of the organisation: Staff, Members, Trainees, volunteers.
  15. Plan regular communications relating to FREDIE to raise awareness and embed FREDIE across all BPF strategic and operational actions.

If you have any questions, please contact Dr Wayne Full, Director of Diversity, Development and Research.

Dr Wayne Full

Director of Academic and Strategic Development

Deals with: Projects, Diversity & Inclusion and Fundraising
