
The British Psychotherapy Foundation is a member of the British Psychoanalytic Council (BPC); the BPC publishes a register of British psychoanalysts, Jungian analysts and psychoanalytical psychotherapists. All members of the BPC are required to undertake continuing professional development.

The bpf aims to ensure that its members maintain the highest standards of professional conduct. All members are subject to the Code of Ethics and the Complaints procedure of the BPC.

If a complaint or concern about a member of the bpf who is on the BPC Register cannot be resolved directly with him or her, you should contact the BPC. The full procedure of making a complaint is fully explained on the BPC website – please click below to access the relevant information.

Contact the BPC

British Psychoanalytic Council
Suite 7, 19-23 Wedmore Street
London N19 4RU

Tel: 0207 561 9240
Fax: 0207 561 9005

Complaints about a Child & Adolescent Therapist

If a complaint or concern about a member of the bpf who is on the Association of Child Psychotherapists (ACP) Register cannot be resolved directly with him or her, you should contact the ACP. The full procedure of making a complaint is fully explained on the ACP website – please click below to access the relevant information.

Contact the ACP

Director of Professional Standards

Association of Child Psychotherapists
CAN Mezzanine, 32-36 Loman Street,
London, SE1 0EH

Tel:  020 7922 7751 (contact through ACP administrator)

Complaints about Trainees

Please download our Trainee Complaint Policy.